Friday 30 May 2014

If wanna loose weight fast, just get braces...

Hello all :)

Hope everyone is doing great!! And hope to all those who have exams and coursework are not stressing.  Don't worry it wil be ovet soon *whist we are all thinking to ourselves, and trying to get through it all*....

So another update of what I call my life is that I have got braces. Not the ones that hold your trousers up or the ones that everyone wears to make them look like a cute geek. I'm talking about the ones that are stuck to your teeth. And even though my teeth weren't terrible, I just wanted them to be straighten out a little bit. And I finally got my wish, I thought hey it won't be that bad. Have them on for a while. Get them off and I will have straight teeth. People say yeah it hurt but you'll be fine.

Let me just tell you.... I havent eaten in the last two days because it has been so painful to even eat. So if you wanna loose wait then go ahead and get them. But even when I am able to eat its all soft food like noodles, soup, spaghetti hoops. So basically food you just swallow rather than chewing.  I cant even tell you how many yoghurts and chocolate mikl I have consumed in the last few days.

So yeah thats my story for today, hope you all enjoyed my rant xD

Talk to you guys later xx